Looking Out
Granddaughters, daughter, mother and sister divided by glass.
When a family live five doors apart but can’t visit like they used to, a new routine forms. “Elevenses” have become a thing between Attracta and her three grandchildren. Every day the girls appear at eleven and wait until she appears with treats, they then have a chat through the window.
Attracta lives with her daughter Edel who is in 5th year in school. Edel’s day is filled with home work and virtual learning with her teachers. While she isn’t directly impacted by the decision to cancel this years Leaving Cert, she is anxious about how missing months of this academic year will impact her and thousands of others in the Leaving Cert exams in 2021.
Attracta’s other daughter, Aoife, recently moved into the area with her husband Amar, and three daughters. While this isn’t what they had hoped for when moving closer to Attracta and Edel, they are grateful they can still see each other, even if it is through the window.