Looking Out

For 24 year old Sophie, video calls have become the new going out. Since the restrictions have been put in place Sophie has realised that nothing will ever replace face to face interactions but, in other ways it has created a whole new level of connection. Every Saturday or Sunday night Sophie video calls with 6 of her school friends who are located all over the world. Being forced to stay home has lead to many reconnections no matter how young or old we are.

Sophie moved home from Dublin last August and now lives with her mum, Joanne, brother, Bobby and cat, Ollie. As a chartered tax accountant Sophie is working from home but she finds that the atmosphere of an office helps to motivate her and she is looking forward to being able to go back into the office. When the restrictions are lifted she is most looking forward to hikes with her friends, visiting relatives and window shopping in town with a coffee in hand.