Faces of Galway 71/100 Meet Hildegarde from Oranmore. Read More 100 faces of Galway, Documentary, Celebrity portraiture, PortraitsMichelle DolanJanuary 23, 2017Hildegarde Naughton, Fine Gael, TD, Dail, Galway Mayor, Galway City Council, NUIG, Economics, French, National school teacher, People in Need, AIMS, Best Actress, Musical My Fair Lady, Eliza Doolittle, Politican, Seanad, AN Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, Oireachtas, Climatic Action, Healthcare, UHG, Merlin Park, FacesofGalway, 100 Faces of Galway, Galway Patrician Musical SocietyComment
Faces of Galway 45/100 Meet Stella from Salvador de Bahia, Brazil Read More 100 faces of Galway, Documentary, PortraitsMichelle DolanOctober 7, 2016water babies, water babies west, swim instructor, Brazil, mum, French, Portuguese, Spanish, English, Barna Woods, Au-Pair, 100 Faces of Galway, FacesofGalway, galway, swimming, babiesComment