Lensculture Magnum photography awards official entry number 1
This photo was taken in 2014 when Andy and I were travelling to the Galápagos Islands. We decided to have a few days in Quito around Easter week and we were treated to quite the spectacle. On Good Friday the historic city of Quito turns into a sea of purple. Locals celebrate their Catholic faith during Semana Santa. The Cucuruchos wear the traditional robe and hood of those awaiting execution while they march solemnly through the streets. The faces of the repenting men are hidden, only eyes are visible to the on lookers. Jesus however is visible everywhere.
I chose this photo as it documents a truly Catholic tradition where Christ is at the centre of everything. The chains and crosses which are carried all symbolise the penance endured by these people but without the iconic figure of Jesus Christ these pointy hooded masks could get confused by modern day iconic imagery associated with the KKK.
Full blog on Semana Santa to follow in the next few weeks.